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5 simple Ayurvedic foods that can be the key to your weight loss journey

5 simple Ayurvedic foods that can be the key to your weight loss journey

Are you struggling to lose weight? Have you tried all kinds of diets only to lose hope and motivation? Then, my friend, you have landed on the right page. In today’s time, when everyone has become health-conscious, many people try different types of diets, intense workout programs, and even supplements to lose weight. However, these methods often fail to deliver the desired results and can even harm overall health. The other half turns to Ayurveda, which offers a natural and holistic approach to weight loss. If you want to lose weight but you want to make it easier, it’s time to incorporate some expert-approved foods according to Ayurveda that can help you get into your desired shape. Curious? Well, you should be! These foods can be easily found in your pantry and with a few changes, you can incorporate them into your daily diet. Read on to know which expert-approved foods should be on your must-have list.

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Here are 5 expert-approved Ayurvedic foods for weight loss:

According to Dr. Dixa Bhavsar Savalia, these 5 fat-burning foods can help you shed the extra kilos.

1. Honey

According to Ayurveda, sweet and delicious honey is considered one of the best natural remedies for weight loss. Experts say that the warm and dry nature of honey makes it light on the stomach and easy to digest. This unique combination helps reduce excess kapha, which is associated with weight gain and heaviness.

How To Use Honey For Weight Loss: To see the best results, Dr. Savalia suggests taking a teaspoon of honey with lukewarm water and lemon first thing in the morning.

2. Barley

Barley, also known as Jau in Hindi, is a well-known grain in Ayurveda that is popular for its “lekhna karma” or scraping action that helps reduce body fat. Experts reveal that barley is best for diabetes as it helps balance blood sugar levels in your body. It is especially helpful in controlling obesity, as it removes excess body fat. Apart from this, Dr. Savaliya also explains that barley helps in cholesterol management and improves digestion, memory, libido and physical strength.

How to Lose Weight with Barley: Dr. Savaliya recommends including barley sattu in your daily diet in the form of roti.

3. Turmeric

Loved for its bright yellow colour, turmeric is also an Ayurvedic spice that has several health benefits, including weight loss. According to the expert, turmeric is warming and detoxifying in nature and can help remove toxins from the body. Apart from its detoxification properties, turmeric supports the immune system and reduces excess kapha from your body. It is also an effective remedy for managing diabetes.

How To Use Turmeric For Weight Loss: Dr. Savalia suggests consuming half a teaspoon of turmeric mixed with half a teaspoon of honey or amla on an empty stomach.

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4. Amla

Amla, popularly known as the Indian gooseberry, helps balance all three doshas – vata, pitta and kapha. According to experts, the drying nature of amla makes it effective for weight management, as it helps shed those extra kilos. Moreover, amla is an aphrodisiac and has rejuvenating properties. If you have diabetes, hair loss or acidity, amla can also prove useful.

How To Use Amla For Weight Loss: Dr. Savalia suggests taking a teaspoon of amla with honey on an empty stomach or an hour after a meal.

5. Ginger

Expert Dr. Savaliya explains that ginger is hot, dry and pungent in nature. Consuming ginger can help increase appetite and improve digestion, which helps in properly digesting food and absorbing nutrients. Ginger also helps in balancing kapha, which is responsible for excess weight gain. Apart from this, ginger also supports heart health and boosts metabolism.

How to Use Ginger for Weight Loss: Dr. Savalia recommends adding grated ginger to herbal or green tea and drinking it once or twice a day at least 1 hour before or after meals. This can help you lose weight.

Watch the full video below:

Also read: 5 essential rules you must follow before sleeping to boost your weight loss journey

Additionally, Dr. Dixa Bhavsar Savalia also points out that these foods not only help you lose weight but also improve hormonal balance and insulin sensitivity, reduce cholesterol (LDL) and even fat lumps.



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